Cheese Archive - MinusL

Our MinusL Cheese assortment

Does your heart throb for savoury cheese on bread? Tasty tomato & mozzarella salads Mediterranean-style, or do you prefer things baked au gratin? No problem at all – this lactose-free* variety of cheeses offers the right one to suit any taste! Alongside classic cheese products suitable for slicing there are many other cheese delicacies: just perfect to enjoy as is, on bread, for baked toppings or cooking!

The longer a cheese ages, the less lactose it contains. This is because lactic acid bacteria convert the lactose into lactic acid as the cheese ripens. Particularly cheese varieties for slicing and hard cheeses, for instance Gouda, Emmentaler, Edam or parmesan, naturally contain a low percentage of lactose due to the longer ripening process. The MinusL range contains cheese varieties that are lactose-free* due to natural ripening as well as varieties that have been specially made; in other words, lactose-free* by adding enzymes.

* Laktose < 0,1 g / 100 g

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