Skyr Archive - MinusL

Our MinusL Skyr

Skyr: neither conventional quark nor yoghurt – instead, a very unique milk product.

It is said that more than 1000 years ago the Vikings brought Skyr to Iceland – where it has been part of the traditional diet ever since. And rightly so, because Skyr is a true allrounder. High on protein, low on fat, and a great source of calcium on top of that – thus perfect for anyone who wants to be on a balanced diet.

The special secret of Skyr lies in the way it is being produced. The production process by and large resembles that of low fat quark except that special cultures are being added – which makes it similar to ordinary yoghurt. This results in a consistency closer to that of low fat quark with Skyr being just as firm but a little bit more creamy.

Skyr tastes fresh and slightly sour, like yoghurt.

Skyr is perfect for creating delicacies. It tastes fantastic by itself or refined with fresh fruit. It is also ideal for making yummy deserts, ice cream or smoothies.

* Laktose < 0,1 g / 100 g

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